Time is Not Money

I think my laptop has forgiven me now; at least it hasn’t thrown a wobbly yet, so fingers crossed. Yesterday we had a visit from a couple of highly enthusiastic auctioneers itching to get their hands on our house. It was interesting talking to them and we learned a lot, but we have decided not to go down that route – at least not initially – as they wanted to drop the price considerably. So we’ve decided on an estate agents and I’ll be contacting them later today. Onwards and upwards…

It’s a frustrating process because everywhere you turn there are more legal obstacles and processes and besides, selling a house in England can be a nightmare as it can be months between offer and completion. But hey, we remain optimistic that something can be sorted out soon. God knows we’ve waited long enough… The auction process is tempting in that regard because once it’s done there’s no going back; you have a date for the sale and assuming it meets the reserve price it’s all done and dusted within a month. So you know where you are. On the other hand the price they were suggesting represented such a drop that we couldn’t accept it. So in this respect time is very definitely not money; time is the opposite of money… *sigh*