The Dance of the Dying Laptop

My laptop is in the throes of dying, or else the charger is: it’ll turn on and boot but after that it goes into a fainting fit and declares that it just can’t go on,  a bit like OH after dropping a pizza face down onto the floor.  I’ve just booted it again and once more it has fallen into a coma. I’ll have to try getting a new lead and seeing if that works.  There are many annoying things about blogging on my phone: it’s very slow, for a start and it’s not easy to edit or insert links.  It also stops typing in bold (I use bold because the print is otherwise too fine for some people) randomly and without warning. Anyway,  things are progressing well; after only a few hours of the house going online we got a call from the estate agents to book a viewing! So that’s encouraging. My son has offered to lend me his laptop but I can’t find the lead which is very frustrating.  Why can’t we have standard leads for everything? It’s ridiculous.

That’s enough for now.  Today will be mostly spent tidying and taking stuff to the tip

Kirk out