Here We Are Again…

… but NOT happy as can be, because I’m back in the library. Ask me why I’m back in the library. Why are you back in the library, Lizardyoga? Because once again I’ve washed my laptop and I can’t do a thing with it. OK full disclosure, I didn’t wash it but nevertheless I can’t do anything with it. I turn it on, it boots and then it has an attack of the vapours, tells me there’s no battery, and off it goes in a dead faint. I’ve tried using OH’s Chrome book and while it’s fine for internet stuff I don’t know what the hell it does with word processing apps so I can’t work on there either. I’ve decided the problem is the charger, so I’ve ordered a new one which is due on Friday or perhaps later, but I’m going away tomorrow so I’ve come here to do some work.

I’m starting on a new poetry collection – or to be more precise, a new poetry pamphlet, so it’s essential that I know what I’m doing with any word processor. And where am I going tomorrow? I’ll tell you. I’m going to Wales; first of all to my sister’s place in Grosmont, near Abergavenny, then on Saturday I’m going to have a day at the Hay Festival. I’ve never managed to go before and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m going to see Kafka (not in person but it’s the 100th anniversary of his birth) and Miriam Margolyes talking to Barry Cryer’s son Bob; there are also Shanty Men singing and another session about misogyny in politics. Hay seems to be everywhere at the moment; every second programme on radio 4 seems to come from there and I’m expecting an episode of the Archers to be recorded in one of their tents any day now. Sadly the sessions I really wanted to go to were almost immediately booked up; Alan Bates talking about the Post Office scandal and Rory Stewart the ex-Tory MP talking about ‘ten years of chaos’ in government. I’m on the waiting list but I don’t hold out much hope.

So that’s us up to date – on now with the poetry pamphlet.

Kirk out