You Could’ve Thought of That

Mark has a book out!  Here it is – it’s called ‘You Could’ve Thought of That’, it’s a ‘Compendium of ideas which haven’t been thought of yet’, and in within four hours of being uploaded it had already sold two copies.  Here it is:

Some readers’ comments include:

‘I can’t believe that NASA didn’t think of this already’; ‘it frightens me how much thought you have put into this’, and ‘Wow!  I have never ever worried about this.  Until now.’  Described as ‘an ability to steer the cart of knowledge along the road of logic to the land of magic pies,’ it’s a snip at only £8.28.  Go buy.

I knew Mark’s pain-in-the-arse debating style would pay off some day: he never lets an idea go – nor the opportunity to argue.  Faced with a highwayman’s gun in his face, the discussion would likely go thus:

Highwayman:   Your money or your life!

Mark:                    Actually if you think about it, it’s not ‘your money OR your life’ – because assuming I don’t give you my money and you take my life, you are also going to take my money.  Correct?

Highwayman:  Ye-es

Mark:                   So in fact, it’s not ‘my money OR my life’ – it’s ‘my money OR my money AND my life.’  Correct?

Highwayman:  (scratching his head)  Er – I suppose…

Mark:                   This logical relationship can be best described by the logical denotation ‘and/or’ – or alternatively, the ‘or-and-or’ series of logic gates.  According to Normington’s Formal Logic, the relationship between ‘and’ and ‘or’, OR that between ‘and’ and ‘and/or’  (continues chuntering on, not realising that highwayman has left in disgust.)

Half-past Ten!!!

Thumbs very seriously down to whichever city council this was: apparently they pulled the plug on a concert last night in Hyde Park because it overran.  What time was this? you may ask.  1 am?  2 am?  Nope.  Ten-thirty.   What?  Ten-thirty?  For god’s sake, who are these people?  I think my mother’s spirit must be ranging abroad, since she was equally unreasonable about bedtimes – I still remember watching the Forsyte Saga, to which I was glued, and having to go to bed FIVE MINUTES before the end because that was my bedtime.  I even offered to go five minutes earlier the next night, but no deal.  And that was in the days when your only chance of watching something if you’d missed it, was to hope they’d repeat it some time.  Ah, if only I’d known that twenty years later they’d release the whole lot on video.


Today I shall be mostly… going to bother god and then to Peter’s.

Kirk out

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