Clouds: A Seat-of-the-Pants Short Story Serial. Part 2

Part two of a serial that’s written as I go along. I have literally no idea what will happen next.

Cindy: I don’t see clouds in context normally; that’s why it’s so good to get out and spot them in situ, so to speak. Chas would say that was a ridiculous way of putting it but you know what I mean. It was Rob who persuaded him – threatened him really. When he saw me he was furious, wanted to take me home with him right then. Something had to give – hence this trip. I’d always loved the wildness of Briar Hill; you never meet anyone there.

You’d think that’d be a plus for Chas.

It was so good to get out of the house! I enthused about everything, though I knew he wasn’t listening; he’d grumbled about having to park the car and walk, saying it was ‘bad planning’. I expect he’d like a three-lane highway to take him right up the side of the hill.

Everything Chas thinks is common sense. ‘It’s only common sense, Cindy,’ is his standard reply. My name isn’t Cindy, it’s Carmen but when we married he got me to change that too. ‘It’s a foreign name, Carmen,’ he said.

It was my mother’s.

So now I’m Cindy. You get used to it.

Every time I argue with him I’m on the wrong side of that fence; the fence of common sense. I’m irrational, not thinking straight, not being clear. There’s a high wall I can’t get over, to a place where I’d be someone, be taken seriously. How can anyone be taken seriously with a name like Cindy?

But I was determined to make the most of this day out. So I packed a full picnic, thermos and all, and told Chas he’d have to leave his phone at home. I knew I’d pay for it later but it felt good to say it. He sighed and put his phone ostentatiously down on the kitchen table. I pretended not to notice when he doubled back and fetched it.

On the way up the hill I pointed out all the herbs; the comfrey, the vetch, the elder and nettles. He complained about the nettles, though he was in no danger of being stung. I suspect he’d like it all swept away and tarmacked. Like the Walrus – or was it the Carpenter? Wanting the sand swept away. I’d like to see the sea again.

I’ve got quite knowledgeable about plants since I’ve been at home; there’s a box of Mum’s herbal books in the bedroom and I get it out when he’s at work. Chas thinks the box is full of Bibles so he won’t go near it. It’s true my mother was very religious but she didn’t shout about it. Nature was her god; she took us on rambles and told us the names of the plants and their healing properties. I’d like to have done that for our children.

Chas was in a terrible mood when we got back. I think it was something to do with an email but he won’t say.

Hope you’re enjoying it.

Kirk out

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