What is My Stance?

In Scotland a bus stop is known as a ‘bus stance’ which I’ve always found amusing, as though a bus could strike a pose or take up a political position. Scotland is most definitely another country; they do things differently there (as we speak I’m drinking sage tea, a precautionary measure as OH has had a sore throat and cough for a few days. This has not improved the snoring, which has increased to volcanic levels; something horrendous on the Richter scale.) So, should Scotland get independence? What is my stance? On the whole I’m in favour; they are a historic nation and for much of history were separate from England and Wales. They have their own culture, language and practices (two languages actually if you count Scots as well as Gallic – I feel a long rant from OH coming on at this point) and politically the country feels very different from England. If it wasn’t for England we’d have no Tory governments at all; and the way Westminster tends to ignore anything North of Milton Keynes or West of Bath is nothing short of a scandal. Take the HS2 fiasco; if they’d started building it in the North, as they should, it would be a totally different story. But no; everything starts in London, and more often than not it ends there too.

But sadly the independence movement is on the back foot now. Every politician, no matter how good, has an Achilles heel and although I had a lot of respect for Nicola Sturgeon – she was down-to-earth and spoke a lot of sense – she has been brought down by her Achilles’ heel – her husband. At least she did the decent thing and resigned; how many Tories still in government have done similar or worse things? I know corruption isn’t confined to the Conservatives but they do seem to have a particular gift for it.

It’s quite dispiriting that independence should be so much on the back foot. When we first thought of moving to Scotland it looked possible; a long journey, sure, but there seemed to be the political will for it. Mind you, I can see plenty of problems if it did go ahead. There would have to be some sort of border with England which would cause all sorts of difficulties but where there’s a political will there’s usually a way.

As far as the current election goes I’ve been keeping my ear to the ground. I know what the polls say and they do seem fairly incontrovertible (no shy Tories this time around, I think*) but it’s also interesting to hear what people are saying. Someone I bumped into last weekend said they usually voted Tory but wouldn’t this time; and last night I watched some of Question Time to see which way the wind was blowing. Mark Harper, the government bod, did a very poor job of defending Rishi Sunak lying about Labour’s tax plans and the audience clearly weren’t buying it; an attempt to tar Labour with the same brush did not seem to land, although I suppose anyone who already thinks ‘they’re all as bad as each other’ might have their opinion confirmed. I can understand political confusion, I can understand hopelessness and political homelessness, but what really gets to me is indifference; people who say ‘I can’t be bothered voting’ or worse still, just give a shrug. I find this very depressing – if someone is vehemently opposed to you at least they’re involved, but you can’t argue with apathy.

Anyway, I’m ranting a bit. I have to close now as I have a nurse’s appointment for an asthma check-up, but I will just add that yesterday I read Richard E Gran’t memoir A Pocketful of Happiness. This account of his life mostly focuses on the dying and death of his beloved wife Joan from cancer. It’s clear they were devoted to each other and although twee in parts and a bit luvvie in others and suffering from terrible verbs (‘——- friendlied over’) it’s a very touching story. REG comes across as a truly genuine and appreciative guy and even though he has some stories of terrible behaviour he resolutely refuses to name the offenders, though everyone who behaves well is named and thanked. That’s how to write a memoir.

Kirk out

* this absolutely infuriated me in 1992; the polls were wrong because lots of people not only voted for the *****s but didn’t even have the guts to say they would do so

4 thoughts on “What is My Stance?

  1. I’m sure if I had been born in Scotland, I would be very much in favour of it being independent. The same for Wales, I suspect. However, the reality of trying to exist as an independent country is a long way from the idea of waving Scottish flags and a possible return to life under the EU. (The EU has repeatedly said they will not admit Scotland as a single country) For one thing, an independent Scotland might have serious financial problems funding a health care system and a benefit system without central government money. Then there are the estimated 800,000 Scots who live and work in England. Will they suddenly become ‘foreigners’?

    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. I am distinctly ambivalent [if that’s not an oxymoron] about Scottish independence; I can see both sides of the proposal, and I’ve seen some very disparaging comments about Sturgeon; but then again, I try to be dispassionate about situations where first-hand knowledge is virtually impossible to glean. There will always be a rump of support for the Tories, predominantly from a comfortable, older middle or upper class environment, but Starmer’s centrist version of Labour will undoubtedly convert some previous Tory stalwarts. I will say no more about him. I too enjoyed Richard E Grant’s memoir: I reviewed it on my Wilfred Books blog not so long ago 😀 Cheers, Jon.

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