A Weekend and a New Serial

The grandchildren visited over the weekend with their mother. Maisie is four and Henry is one and just starting to walk. We went to the park which took up most of the afternoon as there’s lots to see and do there; apart from a children’s playground there are streams and pathways to explore, sculptures and Ladybird book benches,


Big Paul – the largest bell ever struck – and a cafe. Once we’d had our ice creams we went to the Museum where there was an exhibition of bears. This was very well done with all sorts of bears on display and lots of stuff about Goldilocks including chairs to sit in, bears to hug, puzzles to do and things to colour in. It was great. We also gave Maisie a children’s encyclopaedia which we thought would be way too old for her but she opened it and immediately asked me lots of questions about the maps. Apparently she read it in the car all the way home. It’s great showing grandchildren things; she was enchanted by ‘granny pop-out-of-beds’:


and playing with grass seeds to make bunches of ‘flowers’.

Sunday was quieter. We started to do some strimming as the lawn was nearly waist-high; we’d been doing no-mow May and May had somehow stretched into half of June as well. But once OH had done some strimming and it was my turn I discovered that the strimmer was out of twine (or whatever you call it, the stuff that whizzes round and round and does the actual chopping) so I couldn’t do any. Obviously I was deeply disappointed by this as I then had to sit in the shade and pour myself a glass of wine. Tragedy!

I’m going to post the first chapter of another serial later, but with a twist: this time instead of posting a story I’ve already written I’m going to write it as I go along. I’ve got the first instalment but I had absolutely no idea how it’s going to pan out. Excitement!

I’m also going to be fasting today. I’m aiming for the whole day, ie until tomorrow morning. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Kirk out