5 thoughts on “I am not Gruntled

  1. Barely 10C here this morning, and I have cold fingers as I am typing. I was expelled from the Labour Party during the Kinnock era for being a Socialist. So I have no love for Starmer and his cronies, (almost lost it completely when he praised Thatcher) but anything has to be better than more years of Tory theft and banditry. (Fingers crossed though…)

    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. 10 degrees! Ugh. It’s always been hard to be a socialist in the Labour Party – that never changes

  2. Plenty to unpack here! I’ve seen some good memes on Facebook about Sunak standing in the rain — he can afford a wardrobe full of expensive suits, we all know, but to be fair [grudgingly, of course 😉 ] he would have been slated whatever he did — we should enjoy the Scadenfreude while we have the opportunity, yes? I share your views about Starmer: he’s another Bliar, sorry, Blair, but without the shit-eating grin. It must be true that a Labour government with a thumping majority can be just as much of a problem as a Tory one, but I have to hold onto the hope that this iteration of Labour won’t be anywhere as shit as the Tories have been; Murdoch is going to have to work a bit harder to trash Starmer than he did with Corbyn: poor guy, for all his faults, didn’t stand a chance.

    Vennells? She deserves everything she [if there’s any justice] gets, sanctimonious whatsit.

    The weather? A couple of my friends described the rain here as “biblical” yesterday: I had to travel about 3 miles in a friend’s car to the theatre for a script run-through for our next production [Duets, by Peter Quilter: 4 2-handers; I’m directing one and acting in another] and it was more like sailing part of the way, touch & go whether we’d even get back to our respective homes afterwards but, thankfully, we did. Nothing to do with climate change, of course… Cheers, Jon.

  3. It’s not easy to spell. And I agree with you on all counts. The plays sound interesting – break a leg

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