Clear as mud

Mark mumbled something about a book called the ‘Necronomicon’ this morning.  I have never heard of this book but in a totally random survey on Facebook 9 people had heard of it and 7 hadn’t, which is annoying.  I can’t remember anything about the book except that it seems very weird and deals with some people called ‘The Old Ones’. It sounds really crap.  There may also be a link with Robert Rankin’s ‘The Brightonomicon’ – but then again, it might just be a comic twist on anything ending in ‘omicon’.  That’s nearly a Greek letter, you know.

Revising ‘Seven Days’ this morning and looking at some stories, punctuated by efforts to get Daniel out of bed.

Good parents’ evening at Regent yesterday.  It seems Holly is settling in well and working well in all her subjects.  Her Maths tutor was particularly nice, even though that is her worst subject.  He was very sympathetic and I wish I’d had a Maths teacher like him.

Feeling more positive about writing etc at the moment.  I had a week or two getting over Nanowrimo, plus I was ill.  Phlegm city.

OK that’s all for now.  Still haven’t seen Harry Potter because we were waiting for it to come to the Phoenix and now we can’t afford to go.

Kirk out