
Good Hob, reasonable Bass, interesting Green and Gold, back to Hob.  Talked about Bob.  Going to Donkey at weekend.  Keep thinking it’s Friday because I’ve been out for a drink.



Woke up at 3.30 am and composed a letter in my mind to the Offending Relative.  Also composed a brilliant blog posting which has now gone – except that it was to be entitled Can You SWIM?  This was about a button Mark thought all computers should have, called DWIM – standing for Do What I Mean.  This would be a real boon for ordinary humans like me who can’t find the right command because computers DON’T SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!  Anyway, people should have a SWIM button so they can See What I Mean.  This is very similar to Douglas Adams’ POV (Point of View) gun in the film of H2G2.

“Oh, that thing,” says Mark.

I must leave you as I need to pee.

PS have written to the offending relative and told them that they’ve upset me.  Feel better now.

Feeling sad and angry

In need of some TLC this evening after a letter from a member of our extended family.  This person never says what she wants but gets annoyed if people don’t guess it.  We are accused of freeloading and not being supportive.  Bloody annoying.

Positive comments gratefully received

Kirk sad

PS on a positive note, done some good writing today.  Sent an article on Home Ed to Readers’ Digest and did edit a story for Take a Break but then lost it in cyberspace.

Lost In Cyberspace!!!

Walking on both feet

An email this morning which made me feel attacked.  Sometimes it’s hard to work out if the subtext of things is what you think it is, or if you’re just imagining it.  Anyway…

Last night watched “Slumdog Millionaire”, one of my favourite films.  I always forget how upsetting the beginning is and concentrate on the end, which is supremely uplifting.  It reminded me of my time in India – the smell of Bombay airport (before it was Mumbai), my first sight of the railway station which made me think I must be back in London, it was so like St Pancras.  The thrill of my first train journey, going first class because I was scared initially to travel second or third, though there was nothing whatever to be scared of.  People in first class don’t talk to you.  I’m sure this is the same the world over.  I know it’s true in Britain.

So – today.  I always find it hard to get back to writing when I’ve been in “teaching” mode – and vice versa.  But if I don’t, it’s like hopping on one foot – I don’t get anywhere.  And what I need to be doing is walking on both feet.

Which is pretty much where we came in.

Kirk out.

PS – remember when films ran on a loop and if you came in late you could sit and watch the beginning.  You’d leave when one of you turned to the other and said, “This is where we came in.”

PPS  I’m now of that generation where I can write things like “remember when….?  and you could….?”


PPS  Bloody weather!  Wet and windy.  What sort of spring is that?

What do Gateway to India, Tokyo tower and Big Ben have in common?

they all switched off for Earth Hour.  Apparently it was a great success, with over 4000 cities taking part.  Read all about it here:

Hallo there

I’m in a very “Blue Peter” place at the moment, hence the greeting.  I was very disillusioned to find out The Truth about BP – that John Noakes wasn’t really like that but did it all for the cameras.  Also, that the presenters felt they hadn’t been treated very well.  That did disappoint me.

Is it still going?

To Anna’s after group yesterday – her 75th birthday bash.  Most people had left by the time I got there but still saw Peter and Marie, Sue Talton and Marguerite.  They did some salsa and sang the blues.  Anna continues vibrant – amazing when you think that at her age my Mum was in a home and asking for her yoghurt to be taken out of the frig so it wouldn’t be too cold for her pudding.

Dessert.  We always had to call it dessert.

Nowadays I never have dess-udding.  Apart from chocolate biscuits.  They are my one indulgence.

Will put some photos up of curry with Peter when I find out how.  Mark is currently in the Land of Nod as it’s quarter past Unfeasible.

Actually – no, wait!  It’s seven o’clock.  How did that happen?

Car goes back today.  Then writing.  Get that article off to the Reader’s Digest.


I’m starting a new campaign

I’ve started a book on Facebook and I’m starting a campaign to spread awareness that the menopause can play havoc with your memory.  Long-time readers of this blog will remember the Strangeness of Autumn 2008 when I went really weird and was convinced I was having some kind of communication with Leonard Cohen.  I have privatised * all the posts from that era becuase I am now embarrassed by them, but for 3 months I thought I was going crazy – until I realised that during that time I’d had no periods.  Since then my memory has gone haywire: places I’ve known for years disappear from my mind and I can’t remember how to get there or what I’ve done.  Result: I end up repeating things with my students – ironically, often because I panic about forgetting something!

* in the blog sense not in the Thatcherite sense!

Kirk out

So spread the word and tell everyone.  And join my group on Facebook.

But what time is it really?

It totally messes with my head when the clocks go forward.  My course, coincidentally, is also starting an hour later, which means that – AAAAAAArgh!  I can’t get my head round it AT ALL!   Sent several confused and contradictory emails to my students – if we all get there at the same time it’ll be a miracle!

Peter has sent pictures of me and the curry.  I’ll see if I can upload a couple.  Should only take me the rest of the morning.  By which time it’ll be time to go to my course.  Only to find the others have been waiting for two hours.

Apu’s grace:

“Good company, good curry

– Good Gandhi, let’s hurry!”

Nope.  Can’t figure out how to do it.  Mark?  Mark?  Oh, I guess I should let him sleep.  After all it is only REALLY 6.15.


Kirk out.

Apparently today is Ada Lovelace Day.

Actually, now that I look at it, it was 24th March not today.  Apparently Ada Lovelace was a friend and contemporary of Byron who foresaw the social applications of computers.  Don’t ask me for any more details but here’s a link:

Good curry with Peter this aft.  Now feeling a little drowsy.  Teacher training tomorrow.

Kirk out

PS Apparently Holly and her 2 friends were the only people at the music and dance workshop today.  Shame!

Much better today

The ground has stopped moving up and down and the air will let me through.  Translation – things are almost back to normal, whatever that means.  Anything else is therefore your own problem*.

Today: Mark is not going to London CND meeting due to difficulties in paying for ticket.  Daniel has a friend coming over, Holly is going to a music and dance workshop, and I will visit Peter and have a cup of tea.

According to Mark, St Francis was one of the greatest ballerinas of all time.

Easter Egg problem: what do you buy when you won’t buy Nestle and you will no longer buy Cadbury’s because of Kraft and even Green and Black’s are owned by Cadbury’s nowadays?

Suggestions please.

Looking forward to the day.

Kirk out

*H2G2 reference, in case you didn’t know.

“H2G2”?  Tut, tut – you haven’t been paying attention.